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About CFCA

Our Purpose

The California Fire Chaplain Association is incorporated as a non profit 501 (c) (3) professional educational, training and spiritual support network. The purpose of this organization is to bring together, network and train individuals and groups who are interested in providing effective chaplaincies for fire service organizations. To fulfill this purpose, the California Fire Chaplain Association and its members exchange and share ideas and concerns that can influence the quality of life of all members of the fire service and their families.
These shared ideas and concerns should encourage and assist each one to develop the most noble of all human characteristics, service to others and to god, our supreme chief. The purpose of the California Fire Chaplain Association is to utilize qualified individuals to provide ministry support designed to meet the spiritual, emotional, and physical needs of Fire Service personnel and/or their families. The types of situations that may need Chaplain support are serious illness, injury, death or significant emotional trauma. To support Firefighters and Chief Officers in dealing with traumatic situations, such as line of duty death or serious injury notifications to family members. Assist in coordination with the family during times of death, serious injury, serious illness or other difficult and emotional situations. To support and be actively involved in the Critical Incident Stress Management Program at all levels and encourage a strong peer support program. To support and facilitate Substance Abuse Assistance for Fire Service personnel. To minister support to victims in the event of crisis, such as fire, auto accident, plane accident, earthquake, etc.

Our Mission

The mission of the California Fire Chaplain Association is to bring together persons interested in providing an effective Chaplain Service: to give aid, comfort and help to firefighters and their families; to work toward the betterment of all areas of the fire and emergency service. To serve God, to aid humanity, our communities, our government, our religions, our Country and the quality of life; to help mankind in developing their most noble characteristic that of serving others.
The California Fire Chaplain Association is multifaith and calls for no compromise of either individual beliefs or convictions. Our responsibility is to God and to humanity. As Fire Chaplains, our work is not limited to the area of fire departments, firefighters, communities nor victims of the devastating ravages of fire or other crisis happenings. We shall strive to help ease the suffering of our fellow man wherever our paths shall lead. However, as a base for our service, we have chosen to support the fire fighting profession.

Our Policy

The California Fire Chaplain Association shall serve independently, non-denominationally and without compromise of personally held beliefs and convictions. The Chaplain does not take the place of the family minister or pastor, nor does the Chaplain promote doctrinal positions distinctive to his particular church organization or denomination, except by specific request of person(s) involved. Administering of any special sacraments, etc., shall be referred to a member of the clergy who subscribes to the tenets of the requested service and/or “religious faith” of the person/family being served.

  • Program supervision shall be under the President/Executive director and the appropriate area coordinator.

  • The Chaplain will be expected to complete the 40 hour “Basic Chaplaincy” training or the Federation of Fire Chaplain Basic Chaplain training within the first year. 

  • There are two levels of Chaplaincy that can be utilized Chaplain (Licensed Minister) or Associate Chaplain (Non-Licensed or Lay Minister). The licensed minister has a greater degree of confidentiality covering by law. Both the Associate Chaplain and the Chaplain are to remain confidential regarding all matters.  However if subpoenaed to testify in a court of law the Associate Chaplain could not invoke “Clergy-Penitent Privilege.”

  • ​The California Fire Chaplain Association will have a system of oversight and operational accountability consisting of the following.  The President/Executive Director along with the Vice President is responsible for overall administration and operational guidance. The Treasurer is responsible for fiscal accountability. The Secretary is responsible for documentation accountability and information distribution. The Area Coordinators (North, Central, and South) are responsible for Operational oversight and accountability of California Fire Chaplain Association Chaplains in their area.


Our Team

Jim Cook

Phone: (951) 743-8817

California Fire Chaplain Association
P.O. Box 3281
Rocklin,CA 95677

Dick Brown

​Vice President
Phone: 209-304-2669

California Fire Chaplain Association
P.O. Box 3281
Rocklin,CA 95677

Mark O'Sullivan

Secretary / Treasurer
Phone: (916) 343-3299
California Fire Chaplain Association
P.O. Box 3281
Rocklin,CA 95677

2025 by Jason Shields

"Serving Those Who Serve"

EIN 72-1580589 

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